Are Steroids Ever Safe?

Are Steroids Ever Safe?

If you’ve been prescribed a MART inhaler (Maintenance and Reliever Therapy) you will be prescribed one inhaler to work as a preventer and a reliever. It opens up the airways and also gives a dose of preventer medicine to deal with inflammation. Using steroids to improve your physical appearance is not sustainable, but if you do mix steroids and alcohol, you can effectively ruin the results you’re working so hard for.

  • Your dose of diabetes medication may then need to be adjusted.
  • They can also help to manage some side effects of some chemotherapy drugs or improve your appetite.
  • Give them the contact details for your cancer doctor so they can ask for advice.
  • You can also read the patient information leaflet included in every medicine packet.

Steroids obtained from a gym or dealer may be produced for use on animals, could be fake or may have been labelled incorrectly. If you take anabolic steroids, try to ensure you know exactly what you’re taking and that any drugs you’re using haven’t been tampered with. Anabolic steroids are controlled as Class C substances under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971.

Skin changes

This is so that anyone else treating you, such as your dentist or in an emergency, knows that you are on steroids. The amount (dose) and length of steroid treatment is different depending on why you’re having steroids. You can easily become psychologically dependent on anabolic steroid use (meaning you develop an increased tendency to keep taking the drug even in spite of possible harmful effects). If you’re planning a family, you should discuss this with your doctor, as it’s important that a mother stays healthy during pregnancy and that flare-ups are avoided.

You might be prescribed anabolic steroids for certain medical conditions. If a clinician has prescribed you anabolic steroids, they will be safe for you to take – provided you use them as directed. Anabolic steroids are synthetically produced drugs that mimic the effects of natural testosterone. They are sometimes used very occasionally to stimulate muscle regrowth after surgery or as part of  treatment for an unusual type of anaemia.

Steroid-induced diabetes

How long the effects last and the drug stays in your system depends on how much you’ve taken, your size and what other drugs you may have also taken. However, they can also sometimes cause unwanted changes in appearance like acne or shrunken testicles. Some younger people use them to try and look more attractive, despite risking the negative effects on their looks. In medicine, they can be used to treat anaemia and muscle weakness after surgery.

Anabolic steroids can negatively impact your health, life, and fertility. If you choose to take them, minimise your risk by monitoring yourself regularly and being open with your doctor. Historically, steroids have been used in elite sports for marginal gains over the opposition.

The importance of blood work

The person treating you might change the dose of your medications if needed. Steroids can sometimes cause diabetes or raised blood sugar in people who haven’t previously had this condition. You should carry this with you whilst taking prednisolone, and should always show it to anyone who treats you, including your dentist.

You should discuss the risks with your doctor if you have any concerns. See your doctor or the person treating you straight away if you develop chickenpox, shingles or measles, or if you come into contact with someone who has any of these illnesses. Sometimes these diseases can be severe in people who are taking steroids, and you might need to have other treatment before you start to get better. Treatment with steroids may cause changes in mood – you may feel very high or very low.

If you’ve taken steroid tablets for more than a few days, they can cause side effects known as withdrawal symptoms if you stop suddenly. You might be given a small dose, known as a maintenance dose, for a long time to make sure your symptoms don’t return. You will be given the lowest possible dose for the shortest possible time, to reduce the risk of side effects.